Book: Junior High Ministry

Junior High Ministry

This is an older book, but a classic that still is valuable for ministry with preteens and young adolescents.

Rowdy, restless, silly, out of control, moody, vulgar, disrespectful, unpredictable -- this may be the junior high stereotype, writes youth ministry expert Wayne Rice.

But early adolescents' enthusiasm, loyalty, energy, candidness, and willingness to learn -- these more than compensate for the well-publicized hazards of working with middle schoolers.

In this edition of Junior High Ministry -- updated and expanded to reflect the realities of middle school ministry at the turn of the century -- the cofounder of Youth Specialties takes a comprehensive look at the early adolescent experience.

Whether you're training for youth work or a trainer of youth workers, Junior High Ministry will keep finding its dog-eared way to the top of your most used resources.


Book: Caught in Between: Engage Your Preteens Before They Check Out


Book: 99 Thoughts about Junior High Ministry: Tips, Tricks & Tidbits for Working with Young Teenagers